The PRIMA INTEL-IRRIS Coding Challenge - Enhance the INTEL-IRRIS Irrigation WaziApp (IIWA) Application!
April 4, 2023

Waziup is proud to announce the PRIMA Coding Challenge

Waziup is proud to announce the PRIMA INTEL-IRRIS Coding Challenge, running from April 2023 to July 31st, 2023, with a primary goal to improve the INTEL - IRRIS Irrigation WaziApp (IIWA) application.

Designed to meet the needs of smallholders farmers, the WaziApp integrates various agriculture-related parameters and knowledge to enable autonomous operation of the WaziGate sensor - LoRAWAN gateway system. With the intelligent irrigation in-the-box approach of the WaziGate, the system can function seamlessly without relying heavily on internet connectivity.

The current Waziup and WaziGate software, developed jointly by Waziup and UPPA, provides a foundation for a powerful smart irrigation system that leverages low - cost soil humidity sensors to accurately measure soil moisture levels.