Soil Quality Monitoring
March 15, 2020



Agriculture is an essential sector for economic development and food security. Soil quality is a critical aspect of agricultural productivity, and its proper monitoring can help farmers make informed decisions. Waziup, a Horizon 2020 project, aims to provide solutions to small-scale farmers in Africa using Internet of Things (IoT) technologies. This case study examines the use of IoT devices in soil quality monitoring in a farm in Senegal.


Small-scale farmers in Africa face many challenges, including poor soil quality. Traditional soil quality monitoring methods are labor-intensive and time-consuming, making it difficult for farmers to make quick and informed decisions. Waziup developed an IoT-based soil quality monitoring solution to help farmers collect real-time data on soil quality parameters.


The traditional soil quality monitoring method requires manual sampling, which is subject to human error and bias. Additionally, soil quality can vary widely within a single field, making it difficult to obtain accurate measurements. There is a need for a solution that can provide real-time data on soil quality parameters to help farmers make informed decisions.


Waziup developed an IoT-based soil quality monitoring solution that includes wireless sensor networks and a cloud-based data management system. The system collects data on soil temperature, humidity, pH, and electrical conductivity, among other parameters. The sensors are low-cost, easy to install, and require little maintenance, making them ideal for small-scale farmers.


The IoT-based soil quality monitoring system provided real-time data on soil quality parameters to the farmers, enabling them to make informed decisions about irrigation and fertilizer application. The system also helped the farmers identify areas of the field that needed more attention, resulting in improved crop yields and reduced input costs. The IoT-based solution was cost-effective, easy to use, and improved the overall efficiency of the farming process.


The Waziup project’s IoT-based soil quality monitoring solution has the potential to revolutionize agriculture in Africa by providing small-scale farmers with the tools they need to make informed decisions. The solution is cost-effective, easy to use, and can help improve crop yields while reducing input costs.